2010年11月15日 星期一

2010 F/W 針織必備

秋冬主流必有幾色粗織的針織衫 高領,圓領,v領都ok
黑色 深灰 混灰 駝色 都是基本要有的主色!不能錯失 當然找的牌子很重要了,好牌子質料好連版子都很美

*駝色針織衫,可以注意10 秋冬Chloe形象廣告...

*米 灰混色圓領針織衫 裡面其實可以用長一點的背心做下擺多層次穿搭

*灰色窄版牛仔褲 一件簡單白tee 是不是就很好看了?當然也可以挑一些季節色的素tee來搭

*駝色圓領針織衫+黑色針織外套 配窄西裝褲 這樣搭配很簡單吧?

秋冬就是穿的簡單又能保暖就好了,不要穿一堆 還外加羽絨衣 像個企鵝就不好了!
如穿羽絨衣 裡頭不要再太多件搭配 整個人會變笨重!

pics by ZARA

2010年11月12日 星期五

The “Ferragamo World” Shoe Collection

Salvatore Ferragamo has just launched a new “eco-friendly” line of casual shoes priced in the $275-340 safe zone – with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the Acumen Fund, “a nonprofit organization that addresses poverty in South Asia and East Africa through investments in business that deliver crucial goods and services to low-income families.” Ferragamo World “inspired by the urban Italian traveler, features uppers made from leather and fabric, with a sole that won’t be leaving a carbon footprint

Ferragamo WORLD是全新且將持續推出的男鞋系列,在品牌稱傲的製鞋工藝基準下,以環保之名,採用了新科技研發的環保橡膠鞋底,製作過程中的皮革處理,也運用最新水鞣製革技術及水溶性膠黏劑,將各種對環境有害的廢物減到最少。鞋款材質款式和顏色多樣,設計兼具休閒、時尚與功能性,其構造符合人體工學,可以舒適包覆雙腳,橡膠鞋底中央並有橢圓形弧度設計,讓腳掌踏壓鞋底時提供足部適當支撐,穿站走踏也能更舒服。





by selectism & apple Tw

2010年11月10日 星期三

Lanvin for H&M release Nov 20

H&M is launching Lanvin for H&M on November 20.Since the collection is very high demand,we're expecting a crowd.

What do I do if I arrive before opening hours?

If there is a line,please wait in line and H&M store staff will inform you about how to shop.

How does the queuing system work?

The first 320 people in line will receive one of 16 different colored bracelets,20 people for each bracelet color; on the bracelet you will be given a specific time for shopping in our designated area.The bracelets are only needed for the women's collection. Customers buying the men's collection will not require a bracelet.

When your time slot arrives, you will enter the designated area to shop for 15 minutes.Our goal is to cerate shopping experience for all of our customers.

If you are not one of the first 320 in line, you will of course have the opporunity to shop from the rest of the collection or within H&M. When the 16 groups have finished their shopping we will also open up the designated area for all of our customers.

To make sure as many customers as possible are able to buy from the Lanvin for H&M collection,we have a shopping limit.Every customer can buy from the entire collection but with a limit of purchasing a maximum of 2 pieces per product,i.e not more than 2 size(shoes/garments)or pieces(accessories)per product per customer.The shopping limit covers the entire Lanvin for H&M collection.Your place in line doesn't guarantee any items from the Lanvin for H&M collection.

Where to buy in LA?

Beverly Certer
Westfield Century City

Wset Hollywood
8580 Sunset Blvd

Celine 2011

帶著俐落與嬉皮風,Celine發表明年早春系列,在創意總監Phoebe Philo主導下,Celine近年逐漸走出時髦、潮流又復古的新品牌形象,扭轉過去對品牌老氣的印象,也讓業績都有二位數成長。
Phoebe Philo早春融合70、90年代的俐落線條剪裁,沒有過多曲線剪裁設計,服裝從洋裝、長褲與大衣都一直線到底,不再過於強調女人的凹凸身材,而是自在的風範。


by 聯合 Nov,10 10

2010年11月5日 星期五

Paris Vs. New York by Vahram Muratyan

Curated turns us onto this nice little project by Vahram Muratyan.

“Illustrator Vahram Muratyan compares and contrasts Paris and New York City. The result is a charming set of similarities and differences. ”

非常有趣的圖by Vahram Muratyan

A.P.C. Fine Fabric Care by Aesop

A.P.C. gets a helping hand from Aesop on developing a “wash.” The “Fine Fabric Car” formulation from Aesop looks to treat those delicates in the A.P.C. line-up. As Dazed tell it, “The Fine Fabric Care is a cleanser designed specifically for handwashing delicate garments. Formulated by Aesop chemists, it contains extracts of Pettigrain, Lemon and Cedarwood. Fine Fabric Care is made with the quality ingredients and customary care Aesop uses when making skin, hair and body products.”

Look for it in A.P.C and Aesop shops in the latter half of 2010.

2010年11月1日 星期一


Oct,31 with Freesha in 巨蛋
cardigan by ZARA
tee by Junya *comme des garcons @diesel88872

pants by IZZUE
small bag by ISSEY MIYAKE


minimalism style for winter

winter 就用大色塊的衣服 穿出極簡的感覺
黑色 v領針織衫 非常實搭 出了四色我買三色
black gray dark gray
from MUJI

在價錢上合理 版型也好看
比我看上的大牌子還低很多就是了 所以一次買三件也不過是大牌一個袖子的錢而已
冬天很適合 駝色褲子 窄的卡其褲 上半身素面的針織衫 外搭長大衣就很casual

(圖片 左邊model 就是我要的感覺 ,右邊的軍綠長外套這樣穿也很好看)

BDG gray t-shirt F/W

Oct,30 彩虹公園
jacket by IZZUE
tee by BDG @diesel88872

pants by Diesel
belt by FENDI
shoes by CAMPER