Judging from what we’ve seen (and what we recommend) this autumn is gonna be all about the defining touches. While everyone did the plain jane jumper last year, the trendsetter brands are now adding unique touches, making sure you have a reason to pay your rent late again. This CDG shirt Cardigan is a perfect example, with the blackwatch pockets taking it a step above the plain cardi.
Prada know they've managed to create a unique style and identity with the coveted lookbook they put together each season. This fall 2010, they've made stylistic changes and brought some new collaborations on board -
Illustration is the focal point in this lookbook, which retains the arty touch for which their previous editions are famous. This time, it was created by OMA, the art direction team made up of Alexander Reichert and Fausto Fantinuoli, with photography by Phil Meech. But enough talking, let's just enjoy Prada's creations for fall 2010...