Burberry brings back some more old for Autumn 2010. “Introducing the Burberry Brit Fishtail Parka. A timeless, iconic classic updated for AW10. The Fishtail Parka was first developed by the military in 1951 to protect soldiers from the elements and during the 1960’s in the UK the fishtail parka became a symbol of the mod subculture. Due to their practicality, cheapness and availability from army surplus shops, the parka noted as the ideal garment for fending off the elements when on a scooter.”
這件魚尾狀連帽風衣外套 不但能修飾身型 還能穿搭出濃烈的英倫風味 早秋的必備單品之一
軍綠色為經典色 不知有沒黑色!?
