The company was established in Västerås, Sweden, in 1947 by Erling Persson though at the time it only sold women's clothing and was called Hennes, Swedish for "hers." In 1968, Persson acquired the premises and inventory of a Stockholm hunting equipment store named Mauritz Widforss. Included in the inventory was a supply of men's clothing, prompting Persson to expand into menswear. Accordingly, he renamed the store Hennes & Mauritz, later abbreviated to H&M. Erling's son Stefan became CEO in 1990 and Chairman of the Board in 1998. Today the majority of H&M's clothing is manufactured in Asia and Europe including China, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and Egypt .
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Size : XS
肩寬: 38cm 胸寬: 42cm 衣長: 64cm
Size : S
肩寬: 40cm 胸寬: 45cm 衣長: 66cm
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